Sam Smith and his British designer boyfriend Christian Cowan make their first Met Gala debut on 6th May. The couple met when the designer created the costumes for the singer’s music video “I’m Not Here to Make Friends,” released in late January 2023.
Following the collaboration, several speculations arose that the duo had transitioned into lovers. Christian Cowan has curated outfits for several celebrities such as Lady Gaga, Lil Nas X, Heidi Klum, Cardi B, and Jennifer Lopez. The designer even told Vogue that he designed their Met Gala apparel.
Talking to Vogue co-hosts on the red carpet, Cowan shared that he and Sam Smith’s silver and gold roses accessory was in a nod to the theme of the Oscar of fashion. “Because it’s supposed to be about back in time, we wanted to reference the 1940s, Oscar Wilde — a queer icon,” he said.
Then continued, “We’re both queer and British so an English rose, I thought was perfect.” “And early on in our days, I gave Sam a metal-plated rose.” Although the couple have been dating since last year, they have continued to keep their relationship private.
The Met Gala appearance is their first red carpet debut as a couple. Both Sam Smith and Christian Cowan made a bold statement in matching ensembles designed by the former. The unholy singer opted for a black suit that features a black chiffon skirt worn on top of his pants.
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They only added a metallic rose as also seen on their partner’s white suit. Cowan on his part only wore the white suit without the chiffon skirt. Cowan also spoke to the New York Times about the theme of the event, “I wanted to speak to the theme, the night, the tone that Anna [Wintour, the night’s organiser] loves, but also to our own story.”
“[Designing the looks] was very collaborative, and because we’re partners, I do know Sam. So it’s nice to be able to design something for someone you know intimately,” Cowan finished.
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