Getting pregnant for one of our church brother was my biggest mistake. I am 34 years old, and I have never been desperate for marriage until he just came and spoke about marriage in the church and some people advised me to consider him because he’s a brother.
I know everything happened within a short time frame but if you see the way he was rushing you will think he’s prepared for marriage. I was introduced to him in church and considering how much he pressured for marriage, I thought he was really ready.
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So within a short period of time I didn’t mind getting pregnant. Afterall the man didn’t come to date, he came for marriage. He also doesn’t want to waste time and that’s why I accepted because I thought he was serious. The only red flag was that he always complained he had no money too.
When we started he was in a hurry, he wanted to do things, see my family pay the bride price within weeks and I told him to take it easy because marriage shouldn’t be done in a hurry. I told him to wait at least a month so we can get to know each other. But getting pregnant changed my mind about the rush.
Imagine my surprise when I told him about it but he started complaining about money he doesn’t have money. He also warned me not to mention it to anyone but at a point I had to talk to my church leaders and immediately he heard that he became a different person, and became authoritative why I should tell anyone about the baby.
He said I must apologize before he could go ahead with any marriage plan. I refused because I don’t see why he should be angry because I tried to look for solutions when he’s not doing anything about it. Even the church leaders wanted to raise money for us to go pay the bride price secretly so it wouldn’t be obvious that I was pregnant out of wedlock but this man became arrogant and refused to honor their invitation or accept any solution.
To swallow my shame of getting pregnant out of wedlock, I decided to bear the burden all alone. He has never contributed anything for my antenatal or baby things yet I decided to keep quiet. Now my pregnancy is 8 months old and I heard from many people who told me that he had told them he will never ever leave his child outside, that he will come and collect his child.
This is where I need your advice. What is my chance of winning this case legally if he comes for the child in future. He has never contributed anything since the pregnancy till date.