Following a miserable thirties, Khloe Kardashian is set to turn 40 years old in three months on June 27. And the mother of two is taking out time to reflect on ageing while wishing her her best friends — twins Malika and Khadijah Haqq — a happy 41st birthday on Instagram.
In the Instagram tribute, she shared some thoughts about ‘growing up’ as she approaches the age milestone. “Growing up is a crazy thing… when you’re younger, all you want to do is party, be out, be seen, be in the mix. You have tons of friends but none of them know the real you,’ she began.
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‘Then, you get a little older and with every year that passes, you crave more and more simplicity. More peace. You crave friends that you can count on one hand. You crave doing the ‘nothingness’ with someone. The things that make you feel safe,’ Khloe Kardashian added.
She also made a tribute to her friends, Malika and Khadijah: ‘To the twins, You are my safe space. You are the ones I want to do everything and nothing with. You are the ones I’ve always been able to count on. ‘Blessed to have had my safe space since we were young teenagers. Since the moment I met you girls, we just clicked. We just get one another. We became triplets and we never looked back.’
Then Khloe Kardashian continued, ‘Thank you for trusting me with all that you do. Thank you for holding my hand while we go through life. ‘It’s a privilege and an honour to have a friendship as long as we have had and I cherish the years we have spent together. Ohhhhh the memories we have ♡ ohhhhhh the secrets that will die with US lol.
‘I know the magic that exists within your souls and I can’t wait to see you both sparkle brighter, and brighter with every year. This is just the beginning!!’ she went on. ‘Some people come into our lives and make it better, you two make life better. Sweeter, more memorable.’
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‘Thank you for never judging me when I made mistakes, for laughing until we cried, for crying until we laughed, for the sleepless nights of fun and for always being there. You both will always be my person, my ride or die, through thick and thin, until the end….. and we ain’t ending!!’ Khloe Kardashian concluded the lengthy message.
The star shares son daughter True Thompson and Tatum with ex Tristan Thompson. The birthday tribute comes after she was on mom duty as she took her daughter True and niece Dream Kardashian to her friend’s daughter Dove’s ballerina-themed birthday party amid backlash for reselling True’s old clothes.