In 2017, Kevin Hart cheated on his then-pregnant wife, Eniko Parrish during a Las Vegas trip. The Las Vegas incident triggered a scandal involving the FBI, a scandal, the comedian has finally attempted to clear in his recent deposition.
He further revealed what happened the night he cheated on his pregnant wife. Per page Six who obtained details of the deposition, the comedian admitted to being intoxicated with MDMA or molly. He stated that it was as a result of an unknown friend.
After a couple of back-and-forths, he opted to put the drug in his glass of water. In his words, ‘F*** it, I said, and I put it in my drink. I had some water there. It was watered down. Because it’s in my drink, I’m fine. I’m fine with drinking. The night is good.’
As the night went on, he met the woman named Montia Sabbag whom he cheated with and retired to his room with her. Per Page Six, Kevin Hart insisted that he did not have sex with her that night until the next morning. He also did not know she had a camera ready to record their intimate moments.
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Afterwards, the video was used to extort money from him and that extortion scandal was linked to his friend Jackson who was arrested. After the back and forth, the case was dropped two years later. July 2024 saw Jackson during Kevin Hart, resulting in the supreme court deposition.
His reason for suing is that Kevin who had cheated on his wife had promised him that he would tell court that he was not part of the extortion. He is now suing the comedian for $12 million in damages.