Several people understand personal hygiene to only involve taking care of their body and other things related to it but disregarding other aspects of their lives. The result which may not necessarily be deleterious might impact health in some ways.
What is TBN saying? We are simply saying that apart from washing your clothes, cooking, cleaning your house and arranging your house today, there are other things you should pay attention to. And we made a list to remind you. They are;
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Belly Buttons: One particular thing to add to your personal hygiene is cleaning your belly buttons especially if you have a deep one. This area is particularly ignored but after a while, it collects dirts that need to be cleaned. Always clean with a cotton bud.
Earrings and hooks: After wearing earrings for a while particularly studs. It collects a lot of oils and dirts both the earrings itself and hooks. Always ensure that you remove your earrings and studs after a while and clean then.
Mend Clothes: Another personal hygiene tip is to mend your clothes. Oftentimes, we forget that our clothes needs to be taken care of and that includes sewing torn areas, adding of buttons, replacing spoilt zip etc. Mending clothes helps you have several options when it comes to clothes and prevents you from looking tacky.
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Wash your hair: Focus on your hair! Regardless of the type of hairdo you have, always ensure that you wash your hair as soon as you remove your hairdo. Wash with hair-friendly products to prevent product buildup and prevent hair damage.
Focus On Your Sleeping Habit: One way for a healthy life and improved personal hygiene is to get adequate sleep. And this is consequent in your sleep practices. Ensure that you sun dry your pillows, change the pillow cases and bedsheets etc when they become dirty.